franja multicolor

The Multicolor Zone at COP16 is a space for inclusion and diversity that highlights the participation of traditionally marginalized sectors, such as indigenous peoples, women, youth and the LGBTIQ+ community. This strip seeks to make visible and promote dialogues on the intersection between cultural diversity, human rights and biodiversity, encouraging the active and equitable participation of these groups.

Through the Multicolor Zone, we promote activities and spaces for discussion that reflect the importance of integrating social justice and equity into global conversations about conservation and sustainability.

Las Universidades como centros de conocimiento e investigación se unen en la cruzada para proteger la vida y la biodiversidad, su aporte científico es clave en la COP16. Conozca en detalle la agenda académica.



Palmira UNAL


Universidad de Antioquia



Cali, como ciudad anfitriona de la COP16, ha construido una agenda para que los caleños disfruten esta cumbre ambiental, con actividades gratuitas en zonas estratégicas para sensibilizar a la comunidad caleña sobre el cuidado de los recursos naturales y la biodiversidad.

En el marco de la COP16 se realizará el Encuentro Internacional de Economías para la Vida. Aquellos emprendimientos que se tejen desde los territorios, de la mano de organizaciones solidarias, populares y comunitarias, que protegen el agua, los ríos y los páramos.

The Regional Autonomous Corporations (CAR) as environmental authorities in charge of implementing environmental policies and programs, promote sustainable development and the social fabric in the regions. Learn about their agenda at COP16.

Get to know the circuit of orchards, rivers, mountains and memory. Here are the recommendations for the tours and check the meeting points here.

Discover here the events that Cali has prepared for you to know through cultural activities, interactive activities and live the Salsa World Cup and many more events.

These companies and enterprises seek to generate economic profits while minimizing their environmental impact. Green Businesses are considered important in the development of COP16 due to their relevance in the sustainability, conservation and preservation of the environment.

La Red de Parlamentarios por un Futuro Libre de Combustibles Fósiles iniciará, en la COP16, la investigación sobre la explotación de petróleo y gas en la Amazonía: sus impactos a la biodiversidad, las comunidades indígenas y locales, y las oportunidades de cooperación para detener la expansión de la industria en el bioma

The Vice-Presidency of the Republic seeks to make visible the role of communities in the protection of biodiversity, the agenda includes the visions of Afro-descendants, indigenous peoples, peasants and the LGTBIQ+ community, among others.

Casa Humboldt, the result of a partnership between the Humboldt Institute and Caja de Compensación Comfandi, is a space dedicated to the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services in Cali. Here, visitors can enjoy immersive exhibits, talks and debates that connect scientific knowledge with the community.

El Valle del Cauca es rico en biodiversidad, y la Gobernación del Valle como anfitriona regional de la COP16 se vincula a este evento con una agenda académica y cultural, orientada a la protección del medio ambiente